By ShayShay48 - 02/09/2015 21:39 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, I brought home a new small glass necklace and put it somewhere I figured that the cats couldn't reach. I was wrong. Now I will be looking through kitty litter to find something smaller than a dime. Talk about needle in a haystack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 318
You deserved it 3 200

ShayShay48 tells us more.

Hello everyone, OP here :). Just like to verify a few things. The necklace was not a beaded thing, it had a glass charm about the size of the eraser on a pencil, and that was the part my cat got. Thankfully he didn't get the chain, that would be so painful! I will take him to the vet soon to make sure it went through him safely. It actually was in a jewelry box, but it was upright and had handles that his paws could slip through-which I was very much not aware of xD. There were no beads or sharp ends though, and since it is so small, I think the little guy will be okay. Clever little bastard though.

Top comments

hunterluv1 20

Your first mistake was thinking there existed a place your cat can't reach. In fact, it probably saw it as a challenge.

So basically your cat thought "Even though I have this whole house full of things I can play with, I'm going to eat her new necklace and watch her sift through my kitty litter while feeling smug and giving her a look that says i did this to you just because I can". I knew cats were evil incarnate.


Hammer1722 19

Let's hope there's no "waste" in it OP!

SilentSin 23

It's much wide than a needle in a haystack

hunterluv1 20

Your first mistake was thinking there existed a place your cat can't reach. In fact, it probably saw it as a challenge.

Honestly, with a pet cat myself, I expect anything nowadays with no surprises (especially since mine opens doors by himself). Those guys are just getting smarter and sneakier.

I'm wondering if they ate the whole necklace or if they just ate part of it?

here's a situation where you definitely shouldn't hope the glass is half full

FYL, but maybe this is a good example of why to put it in a jewelry box.

Maybe they did... OP didn't say where this 'out of reach' place was.