By vanguardwiley - 24/07/2009 06:40 - United States

Today, I woke up from the worst nightmare I've ever had. After tearfully explaining to my boyfriend, in detail, how bad this dream was, he told me to "put on my big girl panties" and make him breakfast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 761
You deserved it 13 754

Same thing different taste

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Isn't it ironic how he tells YOU to grow up, yet he wants someone to go cook him breakfast like he's a little kid who needs his mommy to do things for him. If anyone needs to grow up, it's your immature, insensitive 5 year old boyfriend.

abandonship 3

tell him to make his own damn breakfast!


Antonio718 0

Wow, tell him to go to hell and dump him

you shouldn't have been sleeping anywhere other than the kitchen so ydi

abandonship 3

tell him to make his own damn breakfast!

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gigi37 0

No, s/he is referring (I believe) to all the other recent FML's that have been posted about a boyfriend jokingly peeing on his girlfriend, marking his territory and a girl that tried to break up with her boyfriend and he said no. But of course there are FML's about girls being just as ridiculous. OP sucks about the nightmare, good thing it was only that and not real.

I lol'd. So what did you make him for breakfast?

What a dick! I hope you didn't actually make him breakfast...

tehukiso 0

The breakfast comment might have been rude, but the rest of it was right. It was a dream. Recognize it as a dream. Grow up.

Yeah because you've NEVER had a bad dream before, right? I hardly have night mares, but when I do, they're realistic like about me watching my friends being murdered by muggers right before my eyes. Just because it's a dream doesn't mean that it can't be realistic. It's not like she dreamt she was a princess and her favorite dragon flew away. YOU should grow up.

hey 166 put on your big girl pants and make me some damn breakfast

rc024 0

Wow i was having a shitty morning and i read this and my whole day looks better!! Hahahaha 'go put on some big girl panties' hahahaha