By themcdave - 19/05/2012 08:03 - United Kingdom - Cranfield

Today, I woke up early for an important team meeting I needed to attend. I washed, got changed, and sat down to eat breakfast... I then woke up again, an hour late and covered in cereal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 595
You deserved it 4 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! OP, you shouldn't let this sit-uation bowl you over. Cerealsly, at least you'll make a fashionable latte entrance. Just milk out all the sympathy you can from the overseers at the meeting.

chowE_fml 4

What a crumby start to your day :(


mattysaysLOL 0

I'm an unoriginal moron with absolutely nothing of substance to say. Good day, "y'all".

If you can't make a good comment, especially for first, don't make one. Also, if you are going to say "cool story", you need to say it like this; "Coll story bro, tell it again. " then afterwards add in "U mad brah?"

I agree with 21, you have to add "bro tell it again " after you say "cool story "

GovernorGeneral 8

Then you get attacked by grammar nazis.

mattysaysLOL 0

Good one you little *******. Go suck a ******* dick.

Why'd you comment then, idiot? Just because there's a chance to get first comment it doesn't mean you have to take it.

bigtaytay 13

Been there done that lol. Funny at first until it sets in that u missed your meeting

kayla_ann0o 9

Yeah then the captin of the team will say "yeah and my dog ate my homework"

_ebbonyy 11

We all have those days, OP. bad luck :-(

I woke up one time, got showered and got all ready for school, then realized it was only midnight! Lol

shadexilmaendu 4

If you're keeping up on comments, OP, check out It's a sleep cycle calculator that tells you what time to go to bed based on when you have to wake up and averages of REM cycles so you don't wake up at the wrong part of your sleep cycle, and wake up feeling more energized.

chowE_fml 4

What a crumby start to your day :(

Bring on the thumbs down, I'm still more famous.

Well I hope you at least cleaned up before your meeting, and not go covered in cereal. (Sarcasm alert!)

ss_20_xx 14

It says she was an hour late already so I doubt of she eventually went considering she had to clean up again.

CaramelMacchiato 13

LOL I pictured the face from your picture saying that!

TheEpicMilkMan 13

I like milk with my cereal :)

I had a bowl of nails for breakfast. Without any milk.

GovernorGeneral 8
illabye 0

Sounds to me like narcolepsy.

Or he stayed up late and woke up early

Oh no! OP, you shouldn't let this sit-uation bowl you over. Cerealsly, at least you'll make a fashionable latte entrance. Just milk out all the sympathy you can from the overseers at the meeting.

mattysaysLOL 0

HAHA, this is just SO funny.

Why, thank you, 15. :) I alwheys try my best to prepear good adv-ice.

Nice :) couldnt have done better myself

Wasted effort. Would of been better off dreaming that you'd woken up and got ready and went to work, but then realised you were still asleep. At least you still would have been nice and cosy in bed...and not wet and covered in cereal.

TheEpicMilkMan 13
peachesncreem 21

I wouldn't mind waking up wet.. Rawr

When reading the alphabits..beware of all of those z's stuck together. On a bright note, at least you didn't drown in your milk. Btw, THAT would have been ironic if you had drowned and were on the swim team.

Yeah it would have been hilarious if OP drowned to death in their cereal. *sarcastic laugh* dick