By Anonymous - 02/02/2011 07:12 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By jam - 11/02/2012 07:03 - Australia
By lance - 10/04/2010 05:00 - Australia
By Anonymous - 26/03/2018 12:00 - United States
By Username - 04/12/2010 21:04 - United States
Pay up, dude
By Anonymous - 23/11/2020 20:02 - Canada - Barrie
By Anonymous - 13/08/2010 14:16 - United States
By Kevin - 12/04/2011 19:25
Gotcha moment
By nick - 18/10/2009 13:39 - Canada
By tramplily - 17/11/2011 05:43 - United States
By Criminal - 13/07/2010 23:15 - United States
Top comments
you totally deserved it
I'd rather say stupid then unlucky. He/she/it gets a ticket and the next best thing he/she/it can think of is having a phone call while driving? OP? Really..come're a dumbass
ydi for being british
It obviously says UK, and they're being fined in euros. Obviously OP is British.
How am I supposed to know, I'm not British.
Not every country in Europe uses the Euro, more do keep changing to it, but as of yet there are still other currencies within the continent. Besides, just because you're not from the UK doesn't mean that you can't know anything about it. Or more specifically the difference between £ and €.
I'm also not British, and I know....
Nope, we still use Pounds here!
not British and knee they used pounds it's not that hard
he didn't deserve it! that bullshit
In fact this is what the FML
damn that realllllyyyyyyy sucks I'm sowey
sowey? what are we, four?
obviously he is 3.
she not he
haha win 39
91, How was 40's comment homophobic? He was simply telling them that Davidisgay was female.
Why are there so many trolls --'
YDI for breaking the law.
ydi for being british
ydi for not following the rules of the road
agree with 1! like really why would you go and talk on the phone right after you got a ticket?
you just made me really happy that I didn't have to write all that out
hahaha your welcomee
I bet OP used his phone to text this FML on his way home right after the ticket for talking on the phone.
Totally deserved, It's the law for a reason. One of my friends got hit by an idiot driving while on his mobile and it's ruined his life.
Eh, some idiots that forget they're driving while on the phone are ones who shouldn't be driving in the first place. If it's not phones, they'll find something else to be completely distracted by. Sorry about your friend, that's the worst.
I'll never forget the dumass on his phone who rear-ended another car at a red light. Some people should be striped from their privilege to drive for a couple of years to grow some maturity and common sense.
I hope you didn't come here expecting sympathy for such an obvious YDI....

I only hope that when you crash your car while on your phone, you do it into a pole or off a cliff so no innocent people or trees are killed. You deserve it and more, you stupid, arrogant, irresponsible ****. Hang up and ******* drive. You're behind the wheel of a two-ton weapon, so ******* remember that as you pony up your £180, assface.
Totally deserved, It's the law for a reason. One of my friends got hit by an idiot driving while on his mobile and it's ruined his life.