Some people just shouldn't have roommates

By Good Night, USA - 11/12/2022 20:00 - United States

Today, I've made it clear to my roommate that I go to the bed at the same time every night, and that I need absolute peace and quiet from that point onward. Apparently, he misheard it as, "Watch American Dad until midnight, and possibly beyond." That theme song is gonna make me go nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 521
You deserved it 1 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your roommate is paying for his space, he is allowed to do as he pleases in it within reasonable boundaries. Asking him to turn down the volume is fine; demanding that he stop watching entirely is not. See if you can grow used to sleeping with noise around, but if not, it may be necessary to seek out other accommodations.

I got a feeling that it won't be such a wonderful day for you, OP...


I got a feeling that it won't be such a wonderful day for you, OP...

Aren't you a spoiled little princess? That's why they make noise-canceling earbuds and Ambien.

If your roommate is paying for his space, he is allowed to do as he pleases in it within reasonable boundaries. Asking him to turn down the volume is fine; demanding that he stop watching entirely is not. See if you can grow used to sleeping with noise around, but if not, it may be necessary to seek out other accommodations.

I'm ready to unalive mine. I'm up at 3 to work 5a to 10p and he had me up past midnight yelling commands at the Alexa that he knew wasn't gonna work