By Anonymous - 29/05/2009 15:47 - United States

Today, I got my belly button pierced. The guy put a small dot with a sharpie right above the center of my belly button so he knew exactly where to pierce. I also have a small freckle noticeably to the left of center of my belly button. Guess which one he pierced through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 119
You deserved it 6 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fail. What idiot can't tell the difference between a marker and a freckle?

My guess: He pierced through the sharpie dot?


YDI - only ***** and ****** get their belly buttons pierced

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136 is right. Freckles are racist and evil.

137: Are you stupid. Freckles at really hot and cute

Why is FML so butthurt all the time. They're obviously joking. Get that dick out of your ass and lighten up

so? you got your belly betton peirced too far to the left. this is not an fml

Fail. What idiot can't tell the difference between a marker and a freckle?

He could tell the difference he pierced through the mark right?

just lean to the side when you show people.. perhaps they won't notice it's off center

ImAllFailure 0

Truthfully, that doesn't sound that bad. It's not like people will notice

#1 - STFU. (this coming from someone who does not have their belly button pierced)

My guess: He pierced through the sharpie dot?

yeah really i mean he is a professional he probobly has a PHD so what the person above said

#1...alot of not *****/****** get their belly button pierced...did you just go through a breakup and come here to vent your anger?

the sharpie mark? Jesus... stop asking which one he pierced. how do i know?

LiveLoveLife_fml 0

Bright side: Your not as boring cause everyone else gets the center pierced ? Bright side? ahah but ehhhh