By mugged - 15/12/2010 11:58 - Germany

Today, I went to the Salvation Army to donate some clothes. As I was handing over the 4 huge bags that I had carried for 10 blocks, while 6 months pregnant, somebody stole my purse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 034
You deserved it 3 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No good deed goes unpunished, you ought to know that by now.

You should see if Salvation Army or any of the businesses around it have exterior security cameras that may have the thief caught on film.


no, you misunderstand. that person was obviously trying to help you by lightening your load. plus, this "thief" probably donated your purse to the salvation army. they were being kind souls! how dare you fml-ize them.

YDI, not because of going down while pregnant, but for donating to Salvation Army, a gay-hating, bible-thumping charity, in the first place. There are other places that can do good for people that don't discriminate.

I was going to post something similar to this, but you beat me to it. ;)

lucas755 1

Boo-hoo, she donated to the salvation army. She totally deserves getting her purse stolen.

romanceaser 0

Bible thumping? Sounds like you are the hater that hates Christian organizations that do way more to help the world instead of parading their nasty habits in front of people.

Someone beat me. And yeah, I'm gonna say that it's hard to feel really awful for this woman when considering that the charity she was donating to would rather not help any poor people at all than have to help non-heterosexual, non-cisgender people. And, hey, 73, I guess bigotry might be a bit too significant to be called a "bad habit," but you know what - I really don't care.

tweetbaby14 18

73, you realize that they sell all that stuff back for much more than what it's really worth right? and don't even get me started on what they do to those in Africa that they "donate" clothing to...

I'm sure you've earned a martyrs' crown in Heaven.

Its like they say, no good deed goes unpunished!!!

that stinks!!! and I can't believe how rude all these comments are!!!

Xena, you're obviously new here and you seem like a nice kid, so let me explain how the comment sections works. You'll have lots of "lol u fail" and "ydi, stoopid" comments. Then you'll have Trolls4DaLulz come along and poke some snakes, pendatik and FFML_314 and organisedchaos and FYLDeep will say something sarcastic, perdix will make some vile joke, ohthebloodygore will call you an idiot, Cinn and nerdsgetmehot will make sickeningly sweet and useful comments, and then KaySL will verbally castrate you, even if you're a girl. That leaves me as the only sane voice of reason around here. I'm glad I could clear this up for you. You're welcome.

It's nice to see that someone finally left me out of the sarcastic bunch. I have never been sarcastic a moment in my life. Everything about me, including my username, is done as earnestly as possible.

Pen, I found your comment to be ironically sarcastic. No wait, it was sarcastically ironic. Or irastically sarconic. Or some such bullshit, who the hell knows anymore.

RedPillSucks 31
livinthefridge13 1

ik these ppl are jerks good deeds go unpunished all the time this is rare she was trying to help some1 else and she should be reward as all good deeds should

Maybe it's a karma payback for something you did. :D Either that or it just is that you should use your head, ask for help if you need it and pay more attention to your belongings.

Maybe it's a karma payback for something you did. :D Either that or it just is that you should use your head, ask for help if you need it and pay more attention to your belongings.

Maybe it's a karma payback for something you did. :D Either that or it just is that you should use your head, ask for help if you need it and pay more attention to your belongings.

Just be glad the thief didn't kick your distended abdomen. I sure would have.

Ninjafriends 1

That's really foul. Even for a troll job. Disgusting.