By mugged - 15/12/2010 11:58 - Germany

Today, I went to the Salvation Army to donate some clothes. As I was handing over the 4 huge bags that I had carried for 10 blocks, while 6 months pregnant, somebody stole my purse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 034
You deserved it 3 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No good deed goes unpunished, you ought to know that by now.

You should see if Salvation Army or any of the businesses around it have exterior security cameras that may have the thief caught on film.


0opsie 6

"That's what I get for trying to help people." It's not the Salvation Army's fault you were robbed on the way.

It may not be the fault of the salvation army, but she was still robbed while she was there. So, while trying to help people in need, she was robbed by ungrateful people. Obviously, it's not the salvation army who robbed her, but it's not the volunteers there who would be keeping the clothes etc. she brought. Some of the people who went there to benefit from the salvation army, took her bag. People see somebody doing so much for them, and yet they still steal her bag. That's the FML here, see?

SaraN29 6

I stopped helping ppl cuz they either steal or be A-holes

Typical of Europe. (And before people give me grief for this comment, I AM from Europe. Which is why I'm saying this... :(

Are you TRYING to miscarry? Carrying 4 "huge" bags while 6 months pregnant is asking for trouble! Maybe your purse was stolen so you'd learn not to be so stupid. If you lack a car, take a cab!

BLueline89 0

Ya still dont see why you would carry something like that? but have a feeling ur in ur nesting stage and that will make u do some crazy things. but regardless wheres your man that should have been doing that?

Omg you are 6 months pregnant and had to do physical activity get over it, my sister and works with race horses and shows quarter horses and was riding,(quit riding at 7 months couldn't fit in saddle), feeding, and yes even moving bales of hay until the morning her water broke. And I still rode and exercised until past my due date just shows your lazy. your body can handle doing what it did before you where pregnant as long as your not a lazy person.

juturnaamo 29

She specified that they were '4 huge bags' which she carried for 10 blocks (a mile where I'm from, maybe more where she's from). This definitely makes it sound like it's a bit more then her normal level of physical effort, and therefore, a bit risky; I mean, I'm sure your sister wasn't like 'I just moved these 10 huge hay bails to feed the horses, and then one of 'em decides to kick me square in the belly!'

Your comment is a little misplaced there is a big difference between me telling some one to quit bitching because they are pregnant and did physical labor and me saying she deserved to get her personal possessions taken which I did not.I feel bad the purse was taken but I just said quit using I'm pregnant as a poor pitiful me act, people like that make me sick.

My god people. Stop acting like pregnant people are disabled! Im 6 months pregnant myself and people always look at me weird when I do things myself.. Sorry your bag got stolen OP, but dont let this stop you from doing nice things :)

Did you ever stop to think that the stereotypes about poor people being lazy slobs who would rather steal than work might sometimes be true?? Next time, keep an eye on your things.

mapleleafs34 0

no good deed goes unpunished I guess..

Ninjafriends 1

Thank for the repeat of what fifty other people said.