By Noname - 29/01/2009 13:06 - United States

Today, I found an ad for my job at my company on an online job board. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 004
You deserved it 2 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what is your job? They may be hiring another person to the same position. It doesnt necesarily mean that they are going to fire you.

Well, why were you looking for a job that is the same as your job in the first place? If you were looking for a different job don't get all pissy over getting fired since you were about to quit.


what is your job? They may be hiring another person to the same position. It doesnt necesarily mean that they are going to fire you.

Exactly, maybe they just need an extra hand.

or mabey even if op does get fired then they were already looking at job boards AND tgey moght get severence

Well, why were you looking for a job that is the same as your job in the first place? If you were looking for a different job don't get all pissy over getting fired since you were about to quit.

Catto-Golden 23
PaperxHearts_xox 0

It doesn't necessarily mean they're firing you, they could be hiring another person with the same position. Don't jump to conclusions...but I'd definately ask about it.

well you must be looking for a new job to have spotted that so it seems justified that they are looking for someone new. : )

easylazy 0

What's the big deal? Just apply for it and then you can have two of the same jobs and get double the salary I mean, I'm assuming that they did this while you are still working for them and you are taking this as a hint that you are going to be fired, because if all you are saying is that you saw this after you got fired, then it isn't a FML at all. :()

rhenerlau 17

you're fired, but before you go, you have to train your replacement. life sucks when that happens

Man that gay. Train the little ****** who replaces you. make sure you screw up the basics so they **** up as well. teach that company that your not their bitch.

lol he'd totally get it so much better than The last guy lol

Rapt0rJesus 0

HURR, a billboard in a billboard. BILLCEPTION