By papertrains - 20/02/2010 15:13 - Singapore

Today, I went to the hospital to get my ingrown toenail removed. The doctors put me on a little surgery table and told me to relax. They then injected anesthetic into my toe four times and used a pair of scissors to slowly cut through my nail. Only, the anesthetic hadn't started to work just yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 852
You deserved it 2 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boatkicker 4

hahahhahaha. You just made my day, Sirin.


I've had this done 3 times, both feet (first time didn't take). Every time, they did the exact same thing. F$%king hurts, eh?


to all the mofos who are saying 'you're a pussy' 'get over it' 'not a fml' well guess what, it's ******* painful so be ******* respectful you wankers. get better op

I got mine done twice, only on my left foot. One of which when I was twelve, and the other when I was thirteen. My toenail still grew inward after that and I had to do it a second time because the flipping doctor just cut the nail away but not the source of it. My toenail finally stopped growing inward and now my toenails are fine.

if they cut your nail .. then why would it hurt ?do you not cut your nails .. ? 

They don't cut the white of your nail, they cut your actual nail. For me, they cut about one third of it off. It hurts a lot.

trenchgurl 0

uh, because its an ingrown toenail.....thats when your toenail is going sideways into your skin. extremly painfull.

Anesthetics are for kids anyway :>

thatguy626 0

I kinda wish there was an fml after this thy said: today I got fired when a whiny bitchcomplained the anesthesia didn't work. haha I feel baffle you dude but I think this would be funny 2 sided, feel better

I've been there, with ingrown toenail too. Except, after 8 shots, the anesthetic still wasn't work. I cried.

I had to get one of those taken out to except they gave me 5 of the anesthetic shots and it turns out the numming shots never worked on me.

That sucks! I'm sorry. My boyfriend has had this, but since his doctor did the procedure there have been no more problems. It was painful before, he couldn't walk, awful. :(