By papertrains - 20/02/2010 15:13 - Singapore

Today, I went to the hospital to get my ingrown toenail removed. The doctors put me on a little surgery table and told me to relax. They then injected anesthetic into my toe four times and used a pair of scissors to slowly cut through my nail. Only, the anesthetic hadn't started to work just yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 852
You deserved it 2 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boatkicker 4

hahahhahaha. You just made my day, Sirin.


I've had this done 3 times, both feet (first time didn't take). Every time, they did the exact same thing. F$%king hurts, eh?


TwinRoxas 7


well why didn't you say something? duh

Whats a ingrown toenail? I never heard of it and what does it do to u?

YoYoYo20_21_22 2

Same exact thing happened to me. ******* are way too impatient. I told him to slow down though, which he did. I hope you did the same, cause that shit hurts!

I've had the same thing done before and it hasn't started wrkn yet......sux! but o well get over it

MtnBkr00 8

take better care of your feet

yozakura06 2

God that hurts I happens once to me the same shit And stupid doctor was like just relax Its ok I answered "YOUR MOTHERS OK"

WTFTravis 5

haha i had three ingrown toe nails, that god that never happened to me!

I've had ingrown toenail. Felt your pain...the Naval doctors did NOT numb my toes. Got through it with Marine Corps M&Ms--Motrin

Just reading that makes me feel like crying