By Pissy - 27/11/2016 20:15

Today, I was traveling home with my four-year-old son. While we were standing in line at the security checkpoint, I hear the sound of water dripping and turned to find my son urinating on the floor. He'd read a sign that said we weren't allowed to take any liquids with us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 378
You deserved it 1 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FalloutScrolls 25

4 year old who can read, though! Go you!

redcode5 17

That is pretty funny, guess this is going to be one of the embarrassing stories you will remember and tell many.


redcode5 17

That is pretty funny, guess this is going to be one of the embarrassing stories you will remember and tell many.

20 years later at a family gathering: "Hey son, remember when you were 4 you pissed on the floor at the airport security checkpoint because you read a sign that said liquids weren't allowed?" ???

Stories told by mothers are always embarrassing.

C0deJunk1e 23

I suppose his obedience counts for something... Hope it didn't delay your trip too much, OP.

Your child is going places, I'd laugh so hard.

fragmen52 18
kitsuneluvuh 12

I'm sorry, but this is hilarious. XD I'm sure it sucked for you, though.

"Remember, kiddo, blood is a liquid too!"

The boy can read, you should be proud :)

Hopefully it's been freshly mopped and there a 'Wet Floor' sign you can blame it on.