By papertrains - 20/02/2010 15:13 - Singapore

Today, I went to the hospital to get my ingrown toenail removed. The doctors put me on a little surgery table and told me to relax. They then injected anesthetic into my toe four times and used a pair of scissors to slowly cut through my nail. Only, the anesthetic hadn't started to work just yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 852
You deserved it 2 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boatkicker 4

hahahhahaha. You just made my day, Sirin.


I've had this done 3 times, both feet (first time didn't take). Every time, they did the exact same thing. F$%king hurts, eh?


This happened to me way too many times....

similar thing happened to me i was getting my wisdom teeth out i woke up twice! luckily i didn't feel anything but i did experience him pushing into my mouthe with a needle so hard he actually forced my lower jaw into my neck and the second time i heard the nurse say "oh he's awake nock him out again" very chilling experience

I know how you feel OP, the doctor decided to cut some skin on my 7th ingrown nail removal, surprisingly, they keep coming back. it is pissing me off... get better please OP!

why couldn't you just tell them that it wasn't working? good job genius.. YDI

I can totally relate OP. Except mine was 11 injection points, and I could feel the doc ripping the nail off. I was 14 at the time. You never forget pain like that. Then they told me not to remove the bandage for a week. I went three days. Then I had to spend two months pulling out gauze strand by strand.

I know your pain, all to well. though they had given me a double dose (8 shots). Not only this but it was marching season as I was in marching band. Before it was removed I had been marching up on my toes for months with my big ass tuba.... oh the pain of getting it removed was nothing compared to it FML too lol.

I don't buy this. Usually they poke you with sharp things and ask if you can feel anything before commencing the surgery. At the very least, you would have mentioned you could still feel stuff before they actually hacked into you.

jrjerk23 0

ehh y didn't u tell em! dumbass

suck it up. it's happened to me several times, except I didn't bitch and moan about on FML