By ocroyalty - 01/02/2010 07:31 - United States

Today, I was trying to get my car out of my boyfriend's apartment garage but couldn't. Why? Because somebody decided to park in front if the garage door and have sex. Complete with steamed windows and loud noises. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 529
You deserved it 2 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I were you, I'll make them move by honking incessantly.

DeepSouthEmo 0

i would knock on the window and look at them so they feel awkward 


BadPinkKitty07 0

I always did think garages were sexy. :/

If I were you, I'll make them move by honking incessantly.

DeepSouthEmo 0

i would knock on the window and look at them so they feel awkward 

allen20 0

Pop their tires :D they'll have a big surprise as soon as they get out(:

MetroidSlayer01 8

but then she would be stuck there longer...

yea... u would do that cause u are a white trash or uneducated nigga

lol just open the door yell hey!!! mind if i join!?

omnistryder 0

ha! call a bunch of friends over and pop some popcorn

ihavenoname123 0

maybe they wanna pop sonething else?

uhohuscrewedup 0

get a video cam and record it, they'll move.

TheCoolDude16 0

nobody wants to see that--- FAIL

butlerreid 0

hey uhohyouscrewedup? that's a dick move. for thinking that, you are a dick

gtdoll 0

naw, wasn't a dick move, FUNNY move;))