
By Anonymous - 27/07/2020 23:03

Today, I'm a young, healthy non-smoker, getting plenty of exercise and walking about 8.000 steps a day. I still have ice-cold feet. Even wearing two pairs of socks. And Lambswool boots. In July. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 284
You deserved it 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See a doctor. Its a sign of poor circulation.

Consult a doctor .. that’s what they’re there for!


Consult a doctor .. that’s what they’re there for!

See a doctor. Its a sign of poor circulation.

talk to the doctor about it? sounds like you aren't as healthy as you think...

8000 steps a day is pretty minimal. Sounds like you have circulation problems -- maybe you have very close veins.

genuinegoodguy 9

8000 is not lots. But that’s probably not the point. The point is you have poor circulation and should get it checked out.

You obviously have a circulation problem which has nothing to do with how fit you are. See a Dr.

bloopaloop 27

Miniskirt with those boots, I hope. Eski-HOEEEE!!

Could be Raynault's disease. I'll go with the family and suggest a visit to the doctor.