By rj - 06/03/2011 05:42 - United States

Today, I went to the dentist after 24 hours of severe tooth pain. They did an emergency root canal. After the anesthesia wore off, within minutes, the pain returned only worse than before. Called the dentist, I had to return, only to find they had done the root canal on the wrong tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 285
You deserved it 3 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments


FruityLoooons 8

What makes me feel so bad for you right now is because I JUST got a root canal (and an extraction) an hour ago, and it's paining me. So to hear that made me mentally cringe (because my mouth' too sore to physically cringe, haha). Bro, FYL. :(

Sue Sue Sue! It seems many medical "professionals" can't figure out left from right, one tooth to another or other simple stuff! :(

"Here, take this pill. It'll probably make you better. There shouldn't be any side effects, because the pharmaceutical company that made it said so. They wouldn't lie right?" Sound about right? :P

ooooo I has that happin b4. good luck

And the Malpractice law suit afterwords bought you a new car, plasma TV, and cable for 5 years You're complaining about what again?

I hope u didn't have to pay for 2, I'd be pissed!!!

brennon94 0

I would have shoved the drill up his ass -_-

DeadxManxWalking 27

Another reason to hate "professionals"

sounds like a malpractice suit and a big payday to me