Faint praise

By Anonymous - 02/12/2023 01:00 - United States

Today, I was excited that my new skin care regimen seemed to be paying off. I told my husband of 35 years about it and asked him if I "looked good". He looked me over as if I were a stalled engine and said, "You look less stressed. That's good, but I mean… You still look like yourself." FML
I agree, your life sucks 389
You deserved it 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is looking like yourself but more relaxed a bad thing? I don’t get it.

So if I said 'the Jungian archetypes of superheroes in popular fiction can be applied to a Hero's Journey reading of various movies', would you know what I meant? Yeah, guys are about as clueless about makeup--they have no idea how it works, because usually no one's ever told them. Probably your husband was saying 'Wait, you didn't shapeshift?', because the 'makeover scenes' in movies involve near-shapeshifting levels of actress change. Admittedly this is not a really smart thing for your hubby to have not figured out yet, but...hey, 'my SO is a himbo' should be a tag on this site for a reason.


How is looking like yourself but more relaxed a bad thing? I don’t get it.

So if I said 'the Jungian archetypes of superheroes in popular fiction can be applied to a Hero's Journey reading of various movies', would you know what I meant? Yeah, guys are about as clueless about makeup--they have no idea how it works, because usually no one's ever told them. Probably your husband was saying 'Wait, you didn't shapeshift?', because the 'makeover scenes' in movies involve near-shapeshifting levels of actress change. Admittedly this is not a really smart thing for your hubby to have not figured out yet, but...hey, 'my SO is a himbo' should be a tag on this site for a reason.

BrizBurry 10

see? he did notice something!