By randm1 - 02/12/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I went to the bathroom and used the urinal. When I was done, I closed my zipper on my foreskin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 107
You deserved it 8 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blland 0

lucky. imagine doing that without foreskin...

penises are ugly either way.. and i think they're nicer with a foreskin


Ow! I feel sorry for you man, that's really bad when it happens :(

icall_BS 0

Circumcision? I thought people looked down on that.

iBurnTrees 6

yea seriously. hit up wallmart for some undies lol.

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xbiohazardx 0

dejahvu I was thinking the same thing lol and I actually cringed when I read this. :p ouch

I actually only read this FML to see if anyone thought the same. :D

Aw, that sucks man. It's really nasty when that happens :(

blland 0

lucky. imagine doing that without foreskin...

KingHumanity 0

Consider yourself lucky. Would have been a HELL WORSE if you didn't have foreskin. In before "LOLOL YDI FOR HAVING FORESKIN YOUR DICK IS FUGLY EWWW"

perdix 29

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FederalAgent 0

self circumcision.... lolololololololololololololololol

DarkWaffle 0

Fix? There's nothing to fix if you have foreskin, it's not some mistake to be fixed. It's natural, therefore normal and it has protecting function.

Good thing I had it removed. Hurts even more without it though.