By creys - 18/11/2012 07:04 - United States

Today, I went to Target with my dad, and he told me to get in the shopping cart. I thought he was being cool and wanted to push me around. He snorted and said he was thinking about crashing me into a car and suing the driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 209
You deserved it 2 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How old are you again? If you're over like 8, YDI.

I'm sorry, but it's fun as hell to be pushed around in the shopping cart, regardless of how old you are.


How old are you again? If you're over like 8, YDI.

thepersonyouknow 9

how would she deserve it if shes over 8?

oj101 33

#12 because you're only small enough take a ride in a trolley off a parent when you're 8 and under. Generally, it's a thing younger kids do, and not mature adults.

I'm sorry, but it's fun as hell to be pushed around in the shopping cart, regardless of how old you are.

#29 when you get older its only fun when you're drunk

Being pushed around in those things is really fun, regardless of age. Even if it's not fun, does OP deserve to be pushed in front of a car for it?

Yeah come on guys, if he's over 8 he deserves to get hit by a car! What has FML come to.

I don't think a girl below 8 knows to post a FML. So OP FYL

Read it again. Comment something more... Relevant. I understand you want to get right at the top, but what's the point if you'll only get thumbed down?

g02hell 2

Dude you need to loosen up. You're taking this way to seriously.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way...

I'm pretty sure it's very possible, just saying.

Marrach 7

Guy: Sir, I really don't see a reason as to why your son was in the shopping cart at that age..

Wishez 12

If your more than 10 years old, why would you want to be pushed around in a shopping cart?

Because it'll be fun! You could pretend to be Speed Racer!(:

If you're human why would'nt you want to be pushed in a cart lol

Misswildsides 22

I still get a kick out of it. I also enjoy standing on the bar at the bottom of the cart and pushing myself around on it. :)

Wishez 12

42- that I can agree with, I just can't see being in the cart is all.

Why wouldn't you want to be pushed around in a shopping cart?

#44, It's one of the few benefits for kids who are small for their age.

If he's really that desperate for money, he should try selling plasma or sperm or a kidney. This sounds like something the Jackasses would do. There's a reason they called themselves that.

sofia_palermo 1

it's illegal to sell an organ

Maybe where YOU come from its illegal. Where I live, people sell organs all the time. Livers, kidneys, eyes, brains, you name it.

What's the going rate for a kidney and one... no wait I need the cash... both eyeballs?

62- Do they have to be my own arm and leg?

I'm really wondering how old you are.. Being pushed around in a cart by your dad doesn't sound very cool to me.

djinnsnme 19

Who doesn't love being pushed in a shopping cart!

Being cool has nothing to do with it buddy.

JJJJJakkkkeee 6

Why didn't he complete the task?

kroekdog 7

Probably would have worked, too.

You Candadians just don't get it, huh. Its a shame.

30 - Oh no, don't get it twisted. She's 14 - that's where the issue is. I can't count the number of times I've ridden in a shopping cart. It's exceptionally fun with a good layer of ice/snow on the ground.

i was referring to the fact he wanted to sue, not the shopping carts; my friends and i take them to our frozen pond in the winter and race across it, its the best xD