By Anonymous - 31/01/2015 13:12 - Belgium

Today, while shopping, my dad asked me to walk further away from him, saying I was cramping his style in front of all the chicks there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 345
You deserved it 2 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've said "Sorry Dad, they're out do you're league, but they're sure as hell in mine."

Can't have a conscious in the pimp game!


You should've said "Sorry Dad, they're out do you're league, but they're sure as hell in mine."

OP is a girl... Not saying she couldn't be lesbian, but she's probably not if the dad is trying to get at them. Don't wanna have a number contest with dad

#22 I believe he already tried to correct it. it's more like "*your".

Can't have a conscious in the pimp game!

#2 I think the word you were looking for was "conscience." Conscious means something completely different lol.

gobiteme2 34

Don’t think he’s acting like a pimp, more like a john

before i vote on this fml, id like to know, how hot were these chicks? scale of 1-10

Who picks up "chicks" while shopping?

JohnTheDonJuan 11

Gotta learn to multi-task my friend. And it's easier to pick up chick's in non-traditional settings, in places like bars they're on high alert and less easy prey.

JohnTheDonJuan 11
jkp1291 25

*OP then proceeds to pick up all the chicks themselves.*