Wasted time

By erdot - 08/05/2019 21:00 - Romania - Bucuresti

Today, after 7 years of writing my PhD thesis, I found a book containing all the exact findings I've spent arduous hours, nay, years discovering. My tutoring professor somehow forgot to mention I was discovering sealing wax. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 038
You deserved it 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laying it all on your advisor seems like a convenient way to gloss over the fact that your research was wildly deficient.

At least you got the ‘seal of approval’. Ha... ha... get it? Seal... *crickets*. O_o Erm, no? ok. :(


At least you got the ‘seal of approval’. Ha... ha... get it? Seal... *crickets*. O_o Erm, no? ok. :(

Laying it all on your advisor seems like a convenient way to gloss over the fact that your research was wildly deficient.

Have you juxtaposed that with shoes and ships and cabbages and kings? You might just have something there! Doesn’t research start first with a literature search to prevent disasters like this? Also, replicating earlier findings also have value in strengthening science.

Hey maybe your formula is a better version of what is currently on the market you should test it it might be better

bidet 8

Here comes your 19th Nervous Breakdown.

bl3ur0z3 17

I mean, you're the one who spent 7 years not realizing what your product does.

How did you not figure out what you were making after 7 years?

peithecelt 28

so you are saying your literature review was a tad incomplete?

whatsername 1

If you had spent years of dedicated work towards your thesis, how did you not stumble upon it sooner? Seems kind of crappy for you to put this all on your advisor if you're the one trying to prove an already proven thesis.

"My discovery is going to be amazing!" "It's sealing wax." "But I've only just found it." "Yeah, sorry. It's been around for a few hundred years." "You could have told me!" "Hey, you're the one studying for a PhD. You're supposed to be smart."