By absentminded - 11/03/2009 18:07 - United States

Today, I went to online to find out why my midterm grade is for my least favorite class Psychology. After weeks upon weeks of studying and doing work for a class I hate I found out that I have a zero in the class. Turns out I've been going to the wrong psychology class all semester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 096
You deserved it 65 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cuttybuddy 0

I don't even know where to begin...

LittleMissMack 0

Ummm really? I find this a tiny bit hard to believe... the professor of the class you were going to never once, not even on the first day, took attendance?


i hope they kick you out of the university. YOU caused someone else to be denied admission. wow. idiot.

tkaaang 0

so. just to clear things up. this is real. i know, because im the one it happened to. the class i went to was psychology 107B - Advanced Perception. The class i was actually enrolled in was psych 107A - intro to perception. the two classes were at the same time, one the floor directly above the other. now im not actually a bad student per se (got above a 3.0), but i kinda got lazy on this one. the class takes NO ATTENDANCE, and to be honest, after 3 yrs of college i still never know my professors name until the very end of the semester. on top of that, the entire grade is only a midterm and a final. thats it, NO hw, no other assignments. because i almost never went to class, i was basically just confused on why the topic seemed so hard to me.. haha so yah.. FML. but at least u all can laugh at it b/c i sure can.. now at least!

tkaaang 0

and to all u haters.. **** off! no one got denied b/c i got into college. the world will go on. and no they dont just let anyone into college. I had a 1460 on the SATand a perfect 800 on math for the verbal SAT 2(these are the old scores), thats why i got in so suuuuck it. i just dont really care about academics too much anymore

tkaaang 0

wowww u people have NO idea how most colleges are run these days, especially the big universities. rarely is there attendance, rarely is there much more than a couple or few tests, and rarely do i ever go to class. now im not taking pride in that.. wait **** that yah i am. im gonna graduate with above a 3.0 and have been to maybe 5 total classes all year. suuuuuuuuck my fat **** all u negative nancy's.. lifes too short, have fun w/ it. especially if ur life sucks!

tkaaang 0

haha and thanks to everyone who understands :)

How did you do that??? Didn't you realize it was a diff class?

yea you might graduate with a 3.0 from Michigan State or somethin not going to classes but not a real college or a real major dumbass... although it is true teachers don't always take attendance they notice if they have a test score of someone who is not in there lecture and would have the decency to tell that student they are not on their roster... college professors aren't exactly how they are portrayed on tv as not caring about the students at all... if your professor is that shitty than you need to find a different school... so like i said thaaang if you have been to 5 classes all year and are going to graduate with above a 3.0 you are at a shitty ass college and you have a shitty ass major... try biochemisty then see how many classes u can skip

You people sure make a lot of assumptions about this college. I don't know about you, but there are professors that don't take attendance, and that don't care about students, doesn't mean he's a liar. Perhaps a bit foolish, especially for a junior, but with the similarity in names and topics of the classes, maybe I wouldn't have noticed either.

i feel like there are words for people who do things like this...

billygonepunk 0