By absentminded - 11/03/2009 18:07 - United States

Today, I went to online to find out why my midterm grade is for my least favorite class Psychology. After weeks upon weeks of studying and doing work for a class I hate I found out that I have a zero in the class. Turns out I've been going to the wrong psychology class all semester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 096
You deserved it 65 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cuttybuddy 0

I don't even know where to begin...

LittleMissMack 0

Ummm really? I find this a tiny bit hard to believe... the professor of the class you were going to never once, not even on the first day, took attendance?


That is just sad and unacceptable. God forbid you actually pay attention to what room you're walking into and who's teaching said class. That'd just be weird.

wowFML123 0

I'm in college and completely understand how this could happen. You're in a large lecture class, where you're grade is completely based on two exams. I wouldn't go to class very often either. That reallyyyy sucks though haha, I would be SO pissed.

wow, I don't know what I would do in that situation...once, I got the date of one of my math tests wrong (worth 20% ) and I thought it was the end of the world =/

Feel bad for you. See how this can happen considering I have two classes where we actually take attendance at my college this semester. To those saying about the attendance and intelligence thing. Here is the thing High School and College are two very different environment. The bigger the lecture in college the less likely attendance is taken. Unlike High School taking attendance is not required and in some cases some professors really don't care if you show up as long as they get paid and you pay your class fees.

How the hell did you end up in that class in the first place? I'm assuming you had to look up what room number your class was in, so how did you manage to not only go to the wrong room, but not realize the class/course number was not the same? Also, in my college you get the names of your professors, so I would've realized that it was the wrong professor, but maybe it's different elsewhere.

dumbShmuck 0

It probably would have helped a bit if you were grammatically literate...

I did that before! I was a freshman and I didn't notice until the semester was almost over. It turned out okay though; I just emailed both professors and got my current one to send the grade to the professor I was suppose to be learning from. It helps that my roommate who was taking the same class, never noticed either. hehe. . .

Well, I'll believe it, only because your typing proves the point. They never even once took attendance?

i can tell you're a ******* retard by your shitty use of the English language