By absentminded - 11/03/2009 18:07 - United States

Today, I went to online to find out why my midterm grade is for my least favorite class Psychology. After weeks upon weeks of studying and doing work for a class I hate I found out that I have a zero in the class. Turns out I've been going to the wrong psychology class all semester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 096
You deserved it 65 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cuttybuddy 0

I don't even know where to begin...

LittleMissMack 0

Ummm really? I find this a tiny bit hard to believe... the professor of the class you were going to never once, not even on the first day, took attendance?


wow you are certainly NOT intelligent.

I'm so sorry that this happened to you... It could totally happen at my school too i love reading comments like "mentally challanged!" -Jancho and just everyone who doesn't believe you. they are probably just high schoolers who don't understand life LOL

laughingatyou 0

i actually know this kid and he's hella smart. we all **** up sometimes though hahah. still hilarious especially without bad consequences.

sugarbuz2010 0

how? and did u not check before?

wow i am sick of these idiots extrapolating on their high school experience thinking college is exactly like high school. Of course profs dont waste their time with attendance in large classes. And some of y'all are assholes, he can't miread his schedule and make a mistake without being a retard? Though I gotta agree he deserves at least this temporary setback since he never goes to class.

I believe it because I did the exact same thing freshman year of college, except I was taking history. I started the class 3 days late and they had switched rooms with a different history class the first or second day.

TheNameless_fml 0

Whether the teacher took attendance or not, how could you not notice you were in the wrong class for a whole semester?

this is so you can tell this was made up.

MichiganState 0

Did the same thing only for english.