By absentminded - 11/03/2009 18:07 - United States

Today, I went to online to find out why my midterm grade is for my least favorite class Psychology. After weeks upon weeks of studying and doing work for a class I hate I found out that I have a zero in the class. Turns out I've been going to the wrong psychology class all semester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 096
You deserved it 65 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cuttybuddy 0

I don't even know where to begin...

LittleMissMack 0

Ummm really? I find this a tiny bit hard to believe... the professor of the class you were going to never once, not even on the first day, took attendance?


eff_my_life98 0

how could you not notice you weren't on the roll sheet all semester?

I highly doubt that this is real...they do take roll and check attendance. Furthermore, I'm sure there have been other test and things of that nature...the teacher would have caught on if some kid in his class took the test but wasn't on the roll. Next time you decide to post a fake, lame ass story...make one up that is worth reading. If this is in fact real...maybe you should go back to high school and start over.

i agree with #1 wtf u got to be pretty stupid sorry to say.,.

foryoublue94 0

Hmmm... I'd love to have Psychology class!! Won't they still give you credits?

damnn_it 0

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA you're a dumbass

I guess they'll let anyone into college these days.

wow you are the stupidest person in this universe.

To add to my last post, many university courses only have exams - no assignments (I've taken several courses like this myself). So it is totally possible that the midterm was the first thing the OP had to turn in for the class.