By Anonymous - 26/04/2019 18:00

Today, in an effort to spice up our love life, I greeted my husband at the front door in lingerie and stilettos. He took one look at me and asked if I wanted him to shovel the driveway before it snowed again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 222
You deserved it 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor sap didn't realize you had a different kind of plowing in mind.

That is a damn good husband right there, he offered to shovel the driveway.


That is a damn good husband right there, he offered to shovel the driveway.

Poor sap didn't realize you had a different kind of plowing in mind.

The solutions is to do this more often until he stops associating you-in-lingerie with you-asking-him-to-do-things-around-the-house. Break the operant conditioning!

bl3ur0z3 17

Ok, but maybe shoveling the snow is important? Maybe he wants to earn this special treat? Maybe he's just oblivious because he loves you for you and the special attire isn't necessary?

It seems that you trained him very well. “ ‘honey, look what is waiting for you after your chores’ “.

Probably thought he was at the WRONG house!! Tried his "Oh CRAP" emergency response.

Was it a euphemism for something? Or maybe sarcasm?

I get the very distinct impression that there is much more to this story. It sounds to me like there may be some resentment from his side about being asked to do chores that make no sense. I have never seen snow, but shovelling a driveway BEFORE it snows sounds like a really stupid idea. As a man, one actually feels really insulted when a woman as sex to placate you. Almost like a dog that got tossed a bone to shut it up. I don't want to read too much into this, but maybe you guys need counselling so that sex becomes more natural. If you actually really wanted to fix your sex life, good for you. Keep trying, but do it honestly. Actually, great sex is usually the result of great emotional intimacy. Start talking and stop judging. Good luck to you!!

Snow is generally heavy. Most people in snowy areas, if shoveling and not snow blowing, will do it in stages if there is a lot of it or if it is predicted to snow again. I’ve even gone out and done it when it was actively snowing just so I wouldn’t have to move nearly as much snow at one time when it finishes snowing.

Ah, thanx. As far as I can see, the only place you really want snow is on christmas cards.

Matthew Irmen 11

Lol, us husbands are stupid like that. He meant well. Let him shovel the driveway then warm him up afterwards ;)