By hollysofly - 15/01/2011 07:38 - United States

Today, I went on the first date of my life. I also burped during my first kiss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 181
You deserved it 7 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What if you actually threw up? o_o That would have been worse, let's try to see the bright side.


perdix 29

If it tasted like hot dogs, you probably earned yourself a second date.

justnbieber 0

learn to laugh at yourself did he break up with u?

alicec123 0

first kisses are always the worst. total fails

Maybe yours was. Mine wasn't. I would postulate that first kisses are only bad when they are awkward, forced and between two people who hardly know each other.

sourgirl101 28

Mine was great too! Everytime I hear "INXS- Need you tonight" it reminds me of that first kiss. That was on the radio at the time.

I don't know what you're talking about, my very first kiss was perfect.

I don't know what you're talking about, mine was great.

Did they take it as a compliment? Maybe you should ease up on eating their face. :/

ACSjr 0

but if he cares for u it wouldn't matter

You couldnt stop yourself? Your gross. On a good note atleast it didnt make him puke in your mouth.

Kissing on the first date makes you a hussy. Just in case OP and others are not aware.

sourgirl101 28

Are you kidding? A kiss is not a huge deal. Most people that go on a "first date" know each other to a certain degree. If it's not your thing, that's you! and that's fine.

I had a first (and last, but that's beside the point) date last week and we kissed at the end. That doesn't make me a "hussy", which I assume means something along the line of ****, *****, etc. ? There are perfectly acceptable reasons for kissing on the first date. 1) You've known each other FOREVER, but never actually "clicked" before. 2) You've been in a relationship for a while, but just never went out, for whatever reason. (And no, relationships do not require spending tons of money on movie tickets, food, etc.) 3) You've had GREAT chemistry and it just "clicked". 4) I bet there's more, but that's all I can think of right now.

Well its not really a FML if the people have known eachother now is it? So either way. Still their own fault for making this out worse that in probably is

hayy, its better than throwinf up in his mouth!