Headphones are better with wires

By Anonymous - 27/12/2021 04:59 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, while waiting at a bus stop, I took one Airpod out of my ear to put it in its case. However, it slipped out of my hand, and at that exact time, the bus pulled over and instantly crushed it. A replacement bud costs $95. FML
I agree, your life sucks 651
You deserved it 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that cost is so... ..crushing... to you, you should use a cheaper mode of listening.

Left one went down the toilet at the gym. Brand new at the time. $95 down the drain….literally.


If that cost is so... ..crushing... to you, you should use a cheaper mode of listening.

Left one went down the toilet at the gym. Brand new at the time. $95 down the drain….literally.

mccuish 25

This is why I refuse to use AirPods

Another reason I won't invest in those things... yikes!