By Jaime - 31/03/2014 22:05 - United States - New York

Today, I went on a first date with a guy I met online. Not only was he boring, he twice excused himself to go to the bathroom and both times he came back smelling of weed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 380
You deserved it 6 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he thought you were boring :/ it works both ways you know

"I was gonna get a girl, but then I got high...."


Did you know that they make a marijuana scented body spray now? How do u know he wasnt just wearing that?

You really don't see anything wrong with abandoning your date twice to go smoke weed in the restroom? If he can't last a single meal without smoking, he has a problem.

martin8337 35

Should have gotten high with him.

Well...if the guy was so bored....he left u twice! To smoke weed, I am going to have to recommend that she develop more of a personality. Maybe in a new perspective look at it from his view. If he was really interested, he would have stayed and not needed to be mega stoned....just to hang out!!!!!!

Axel5238 29

Or that she stop dating people that smoke. A lot do feel they need to smoke to have a good time. The pro pot mentality in this thread is a good show of why pot will probably never be fully legalized. Too many people that don't realize if it is it will be regulated as strongly or more so than alcohol. It's health benefits are very specific, it's less toxic but far from "healthy". Also still illegal in most areas and even if it was, being high in public would still be an offense.

ninety 25

Or maybe the guy that smokes pot should develop more of a personality. He smoked twice and was still boring.

Correction: He smoked twice and OP was still boring.

There are many people who can function well, hold good jobs and relationships all while being a "stoner" or "pot head". Those terms make my boyfriend cringe lol. TV has created this image that marijuana makes you into some long haired, burnt out, junk foo eating moron who wastes their life on the couch. Oh please..

kaduzy 12

The real question is, why did you stick around after he came back the first time? #desperate

itsfreakinliv 8

Probably just wanted to enjoy the food more. I'd toke up before the date though, not in the bathroom.