Justice returned

By So fireddddd - 20/07/2023 00:02

Today, me and my coworkers were making fun of this girl we work with. I drew an ugly but funny picture of her and thought it was fun to email it around the office. I sent it to a coworker named Joann. Or so I thought. I actually sent it to another Joann, who is one of the directors of the company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80
You deserved it 3 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what? THAT's what you get for taking the piss out of someone. Regardless of how you feel about the person, you were in a place of work and, thus, were expected to act like an adult. While I don't think you'll get fired, you will be punished and rightfully so. Stop being immature and please, grow the **** up.

You are lucky you don't work for me, I would have fired you on the spot. and you would have deserved it. Gossip and bullying in NEVER okay.


You know what? THAT's what you get for taking the piss out of someone. Regardless of how you feel about the person, you were in a place of work and, thus, were expected to act like an adult. While I don't think you'll get fired, you will be punished and rightfully so. Stop being immature and please, grow the **** up.

"High school never ends" as the song goes

You are lucky you don't work for me, I would have fired you on the spot. and you would have deserved it. Gossip and bullying in NEVER okay.

Using company email to make fun of someone you should be fired.

Mean girls usually make it to the C-suite. (That's where you find the CEO, COO, CFO, etc. and the C doesn't mean *****, although it probably could.)

You're mean and dumb. At least you can fix one of those if you tried

ODBeefalo 10

So you thought being a total piece of shit to another coworker was fun and whimsical... and now want sympathy because your shitty actions might have consequences that negatively impact you. I really do hope this makes getting a decent job harder for you amd cuts you ability to climb management ladders in any way, I would hate the thought of you in charge of any group of people.

Nikki 17

Just so you know, the ‘I agree, your life sucks’ votes are all mistakes

JFC, are you in 3rd grade or something?

Go ahead and finish the FML where you tell us you got fired and the girl you were talking about whipped your azz later.....