By left4dead - 27/10/2012 20:04 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I went on a field trip with some people from school. I'm currently confined to a wheelchair, so I had to rely on my sister to get around. She eventually went off with her friends, assuming that the people nearby would keep me company. Five minutes later, they'd all left me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 836
You deserved it 2 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This FML made me depressed, I wish I could donate you a jet pack or some crazy shit like that.


12- seriously? OP is in quite an upsetting situation I don't think that's an appropriate "joke"

Girreth 7

14 - Firstly, it's not a joke. Introverts prefer solitude. Secondly - If it were a joke, then understand that it's a joke, not a dick. Don't take it so hard.

How is that even a joke? I was replying to a comment that said it was sad to be alone, I was just saying that that's not always the case.. It is for me, I hate being alone and I can totally relate to the OP, as this would probably happen to me as well. :P don't get your panties in a bunch over nothing, hun. :) I guess 18 beat me to it, sorry guys.

14, please remove the large stick from your rectum, shut the hell up, read a dictionary, and then for safety read a book on how to take a joke. My god, woman. 18 and 21 beat me to it.... ****.

Girreth 7

14 0mg u need 2 like stfu ur so dumb dident ven no it wasent jokk well **** my ass and call me sally, 18, 21, and 23 beat me to it. ****.

I'm due on and over emotional, everything upsets me I'm over sensitive, sorry guys :-(

I don't think it's sad. It's how I prefer to be 9 times out of 10. Maybe that's just me, though

I'm an introvert, and while I do occasionally enjoy the company of my friends, I do enjoy solitude just as much. Some people...

ozone9914 2

she was replying to a comment dumbass

gingerwithsoul_fml 6

Moderators - Please ban me from this site.

I was going to make a jocular post with an exaggeratedly annoyed reply to 14, and say that the rest beat me to it, but then I got to 28 and saw that he really did beat me to it.

28- I've seen two of your comments, and I'm concerned. There was this abomination of the English language, and then the one where you hoped someone went to hell and had a child molester's **** attached to their mouth.

Llamacod 11

did any one else read #24 comment as 0mg as "zero milligram" at first too?

74 - I remember that too. Partly because it was in my reply thread. I can't decide if he's Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde or a really weird type of troll... with tourettes.

Girreth 7

Forgive me for having a crude sense of humor.

djinnsnme 19

As a fellow handicap, I know that feel. Then I got a powerchair! :D

I've never had a power chair, but when I use the manual wheelchair, and a family member is pushing me in a theme park or something, we usually mess around with it. We're immature, I know, but there's only so much you can do while sitting in it... It gets boring.

36- you'd be surprised just how fast 6 mph feels. Now all I need are some blue shells...

maybe one day - you'll get your wish and "get" to use one all the time! every time someone says that to me it makes me want to punch them (I don't but I REALLY want to)

He could be apart of the "crip" gang

gmc_blossom 21

What's this? Dicks commenting on FML? What's next, vaginas?

Can't you roll wheelchairs by yourself too? Or is that only certain kinds? But yeah, that still sucks. That sounds like something my old friends would do...

Maybe there were stairs. I thought the same thing.

I guess he typed this FML with his nose then.

GuessWhatKids 13

84 - You can use your legs and feet, too.

100, he could have software where he can talk, and it types out what he says.

I think there are different kinds. I have seen wheelchairs that have four small wheels, where you would be unable to roll yourself; maybe it is that kind of wheelchair. The op also mentioned "recently being confined to a wheelchair", maybe they do not have the upper-body strength to roll himself around all day.

Manual wheelchairs you can roll by yourself. But I have a neuro-muscular disease and I'm not strong enough to roll one myself. I have a power chair, but if it messes up or if my battery dies - I have to rely on people to push me. And for me, that's not the least bit fun. People who push wheelchairs (who don't usually do it all the time) don't know to watch for things like huge cracks, bumps, holes, etc. in sidewalks either.

Jeterforever 3

Yes because that will totally change their minds about not pushing her.

makenna2011 6

Sounds like my sister...she'd do the same thing :( FYL

This FML made me depressed, I wish I could donate you a jet pack or some crazy shit like that.

Unibear 1

Add rockets to the wheelchair?

Chain you sister to the chair. Or get her a shock collar.

Nikkitaria 9

Try to strike up conversations with people from the group, you're bound to make some friends.

"Five minutes later, they all left me." Note: they ALL left her. You can't make friends with people who aren't there and she certainly can't move much.

That's horrible! "Oh I'll just leave my responsibilities to some other random person." I hope karma bites her big time.

Karma doesn't bite. Unless it comes in the form of a zombie prostitute. Then it could...

dcg1375 7

OP says they are "currently" confined to a wheelchair. Which suggests that this is not the norm. Not all, but most people in wheelchairs have arm use and can drive themselves. So maybe OP just likes the attention and being pushed around in the chair? We don't know and won't because we don't know why OP is "currently" in a wheelchair.

61 - Stairs. Not everywhere has elevators.

Some wheel chairs you can't drive yourself like the ones in the ER