By girlthatstoofat - 29/10/2009 17:28 - United States

Today, I recieved a message on MySpace from a cute guy I've been talking to for a while. It read, "I saw a girl in Old Navy at the mall last night that looked a lot like you, but she was much fatter." I was in Old Navy at the mall last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 325
You deserved it 6 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

That's the danger of Photoshopping your MySpace picture too much and celebrating your fraud by stuffing your face with chili cheese fries.

ISellHerbs 0

Maybe you should take that as a hint.


ISellHerbs 0

Maybe you should take that as a hint.

I think she's one girl who can be staying away from sammiches...

pwnrzero 0

waz a sammich. someone send me a reply and tell me wth it means...

Shereen15 0

Its a funny way of saying sandwich lmao

nateb1tch 1

lol woww that sucks but he at least he dont think its you :P lose some weight then bam go talk to him some more :D

Why would anyone write to someone just to tell them they saw someone fat?? psh.

You are being much, much too hard on yourself. After all, how do you know he was not talking about some OTHER fat-ass, jelly-doughnut, bulbous, lard-oozing, carbuncle-encrusted-legs, pizza-faced, waddling, unbathed, snot-dripping, ***** ho?

iChel413 6

great plan :p he will never know about the fat days.

_Naboo_ 0

Aha, oh that sucks. Sorry, but tell him it was you.

perdix 29

That's the danger of Photoshopping your MySpace picture too much and celebrating your fraud by stuffing your face with chili cheese fries.

Don't take angled pictures! Present yourself truthfully! He wouldn't think you were thin unless you only posted pictures that made you look it.

the fact that he even sent a msg like that shows how shallow he is. douche pump.

how is he a douche? Because he stated something relevant to the person he was talking to? I would have probably said the same thing to my friend and lol'd. I hate it how some people are so quick to make judgments like that. It would have been a lot worse if he was like "I saw someone that looked a lot like you...except much skinnier." That would have been messed up.

How is this shallow? He was making an observation of who he thought was a random stranger that looked like the girl he was talking to.

" You looked better on myspace" applies to this. Odds are, if a girl has a photo album and its all of her face?..shes a chunky monkey. I like how some people try to get away with using old pictures too, like their extra 50 pounds isnt going to be evident in real life. psh.

I met a girl once that all the boys were fawning over online....I got there, and I swear she had EATEN the girl in all her photos!

I never learned how to do them, lol. I was one of the ones that learned if you post the ugliest pictures of yourself, people say, "omg, you look so much better than your pics!" lmfao

OMG, you are a brilliant thinker #28! Will you marry me?

I knew a girl who used old pictures of herself whenever she sent anyone a photo of herself. She was at one time thin, but then she ballooned after graduation and still used pictures of herself from 3+ years ago. And she was a BITCH. Grrr.

thatguy32692 4

The funny part is ur pic is just ur face..... Hmmm

YDI for probably taking angle shots with a wide angle lens and trying to deceive MySpace. You can't trick MySpace. MySpace knows. MySpace sees.

perdix 29

She tricked MySpace real good. It's reality that bit her in the big, fat, steatopygean ass!

Steatopygia directly implies a racist comment. I am sure that was not your intent. However, no woman is immune from a big fat, child-bearing, case of cellulite.