By Anonymous - 26/09/2009 14:24 - United States

Today, I went on my first date in nearly a year. A few minutes into the meal, he called me "scrumptious" and made animal noises for the rest of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 167
You deserved it 3 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must be pretty hot if you can spontaneously turn a guy into an animal.

Of course it is possible he just always makes animal noises and it has nothing to do with you. It's also possible he was really talking to his food when he said it was "scrumptious". You might be giving yourself way too much credit here.


Russia_fml 0

you're not too bright, are you?

seriously, enough with the soviet russia shit. and if you're still going to use it anyway, at least do it right.

You must be pretty hot if you can spontaneously turn a guy into an animal.

OmgItsAnaBeatriz 0

A gay animal at that! What straight guy uses the word "scrumptious?"

Doctor Finklestein from "A nightmare before christmas"!! He is totally straight and thinks the soup Sally made for him was scrumptious. So there!

What a creep FYL. I'd have left after the first few times.

sunnyXsmile 0

OH.MY.GOD. I think I know who this is!! Aaaah it if is who I think it is CALL ME WOMAN! :D And LMAO at ferraricakes comment, even though I'm sure you didn't use eharmony. :p

sunnyXsmile 0

**i meant ferraricakes original comment about eharmony.

Dammit... I'll put it back: "So the animal noises arent one of your 29 dimensions of compatibility? You should ask for your money back from eHarmony." Sorry for changing it.

kaittt17 0

Wow ur scrumptious ;) take it as a complimentttttt ! meOwwww :)

Of course it is possible he just always makes animal noises and it has nothing to do with you. It's also possible he was really talking to his food when he said it was "scrumptious". You might be giving yourself way too much credit here.