That's the rule

By whatdidido - 06/05/2019 18:05 - United States - Conover

Today, I was messaging a girl on a dating app. Things were going well so I thought I'd ask her to meet. She had listed hiking as an interest 3 times on her profile so I suggested we meet at a state park. She told me she doesn't hike on a first meet and blocked me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 892
You deserved it 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meeting a stranger for a hike on a first meet may have set alarm bells for them. You'd want to suggest meeting at a place where there will be people around and not wind up so easily secluded.

Even if it did trigger alarm bells for her, she could have suggested an alternate meetup, like go for coffee or something.


Meeting a stranger for a hike on a first meet may have set alarm bells for them. You'd want to suggest meeting at a place where there will be people around and not wind up so easily secluded.

EmDizzle2007 28

or she was just ****** nutty

Even if it did trigger alarm bells for her, she could have suggested an alternate meetup, like go for coffee or something.

WeirdUS 29

Yeah, that as a first suggestion isn't going to inspire confidence for thinking of second options. Nothing will kill other options like first suggesting that they want to take you to a secluded area where no one could find you if something happened. Even a a second option might make them worry about going on a hike or camping with the person. First impressions matter.

I’m not suggesting crap after that. I’m breaking contact. Too many weirdos to take a chance.

wow. so we get punished for trying to do something you say you like. Yes there are weirdos. but why list it multiple times? I get that women's minds jump to worst case but you can still suggest McDonald's meet up. especially if things were going well and that was the first and Only red flag. there might have been others up to this point.

As a woman when the alarm bells go off we don’t say well let’s suggest something else we run because no offense but there are way too many men out here sexually assaulting women. Who take their time & establish themselves as good guys. Women face many safety issues when it comes to dating so we take more precautions. Who knows maybe she had a bad experience & won’t make it again.

tounces7 27

To be fair, meeting at a place where she feels she could easily be abducted probably isn't the best idea.

A possibly secluded area isn't a wise decision whether you both love hiking or not... Though she should have allowed you the option to apologize and offer up another more public and in the people's eye idea.

That sounds like an overreaction. Is there a dick pic you’re not mentioning?

Girls don't have dicks. At least, not the ones I'm interested in -- I don't know about you.

It’s not an extreme reaction when you look at the rates of rape & sexual assault. What makes you think a woman with concerns for her safety would meet a strange man she’s never met physically to go hiking in a secluded area? I’m seriously asking you why would you think that’s a safe thing to do just because you had a conversation with for a while?

I can understand, a lot of people get raped, stalked, abducted, murdered, etc. both from meeting people on dating sites, and on hiking trails. If you add the two together it makes it even more terrifying.

As a woman on a dating site, may I offer some possible insight? Just because you thought the conversation was going well doesn't mean she felt the same. She may have already been on the fence about you and suggesting to meet up for a fairly secluded walk was probably the final red flag. First time meetings are best in public and low key. Think meeting for coffee, or even a lunch date.

Mungolikecandy 19

I can see why she would be concerned. Going out into the wilderness with a stranger you have only just met is not exactly a good idea and probably frightened her off.

And had she gone and been raped or worse, she'd have been told 'she should know better' than to meet a stranger in a secluded place . Would be lovely to be a man and not constantly have to worry about being attacked. In the meantime, can you finally understand this is a woman's reality FFS