By ljd09 - 04/11/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, I watched my car roll backwards on the freeway, while attached to the tow truck that I was sitting in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 537
You deserved it 2 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you coul probably sue for damages and get e new car

AndelleRae 9

Advice best given to the tow truck driver, not the OP.


Mx_Rider 6

awe man that sucks sorry op im first i think? o well

Reyo 2

I have such an irrational fear of that happening when I'm driving behind a towtruck. Every time I'm driving behind one, I keep thinking "What if the car rolls off and hits me? OHF*KOHF*KOHF*K!"

you coul probably sue for damages and get e new car

MaddogTotten 0

you wont have to sue, the towing company will gladly buy you a comparable car to replace yours. That's why people have insurance. If he gets fired over it don't worry, that just means he has done it before and deserves to be let go.

AndelleRae 9

Advice best given to the tow truck driver, not the OP.

lady_unknown 0

Bummer! There goes the tow truck driver's pay check.

Mx_Rider 6

i knewww i should have put more when i was first to comment. op when u saw that happen you shoulda grabbed his head and slammed it against the steering wheel,sock him a few times on the side of the head,say some bad stuff,then spit on his face and curb stomp him like america history X FTW yayyy :D

MaddogTotten 0

You should have edited your reply after seeing you were first. Anyone who doesn't take advantage of being first fails. To the OP, whatever the reason you were getting your car towed... it doesn't matter, the tow truck driver just awarded you a new one. Don't feel bad for him though, it will just be an insurance claim. It was his fault for not securing your vehicle. Also, as a commercial driver, tow truck drivers rate just ahead of dump truck drivers on the low end of the totem pole, so never feel bad for them.

that sux man, it could hav hurt someone. that's why I always carry a pocket-nuke, to blast things which I can't stop!

Mx_Rider 6

hey number 8 im on the phone i cant edit. if it bothers you that much*

Rumor has it there is a message system for comments like that. Also, I don't think you finished your sentence.

katburton13 2

Jobean - ever heard of a smartphone that posts fmls?

That's worst fear driving behind a tow truck dude. :/

Same! Haha.. I always try to change lanes. If I can't I just drive far behind the thing, freaking out the whole time hehe