By Anonymous - 04/11/2009 05:05 - Canada

Today, the guy I've been dating texted me to say he joined an online dating site. He must have thought I was the best person to share this information with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 251
You deserved it 2 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flutist 3

Does he KNOW he is your boyfriend? Also, "this guy I have been dating" doesn't sound like you have talked to him about sealing the deal. So either tell him, I want to take this to the next step (the bedroom?) and have you be mine (for 400 bucks an hour) or realize he might not know you think it is serious. HE might think you are friends with benefits.

just because you're dating doesn't mean you're "exclusive"



the first line is already a FML

It could be worse, as such. At least he stays in touch? And isn't great To know your date Trusts you quite so much? XD

aero_fml 0

Nice you should do these all the time

Thanks. I plan to try to do enough to make y'all crazy

When I started reading this comment, I thought it would rhyme too... lol And OP, he's an idiot.

LilKonvicted 0

Well what does that mean really? XD

It means she needs to start putting out like a hotel with a revolving door.

He's trying to make you jealous or something? What a loser.

I signed up for a few dating sites while with my current boyfriend. He is well aware of it, and we both think of it as a source of amusement. I like to see if I can find people I know on there, and I wouldn't use it to find a replacement.

Flutist 3

Does he KNOW he is your boyfriend? Also, "this guy I have been dating" doesn't sound like you have talked to him about sealing the deal. So either tell him, I want to take this to the next step (the bedroom?) and have you be mine (for 400 bucks an hour) or realize he might not know you think it is serious. HE might think you are friends with benefits.

perdix 29

What's the problem? I think it is sweet. He loves you so much that he wants to date you in the real world and wants extend that by dating you online.

RubixMonkey 0

Are you stupid? If he wanted to date her online then he would have texted her and said, "Hey lets get wild on AIM." He is telling her he wants to see other people. Retard.

perdix 29

I did that on purpose. I was pretending that I thought that online dating was an extension of real dating. You've been PWND. ;)

Punkartmama 0

Just because you're sleeping with someone doesn't mean you're "dating"

just because you're dating doesn't mean you're "exclusive"

AntiChrist7 0