
By Anonymous - 08/10/2020 11:01

Today, my tie-rod snapped, forcing me into a parked car. The wheel literally flew off my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 038
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be thankful it wasn't on the highway when it happened, because you wouldn't be here posting. wish ya better luck

that's why we get insurance, for those times when life just decides "**** you, and your car, and their car just for good measure."


that's why we get insurance, for those times when life just decides "**** you, and your car, and their car just for good measure."

Be thankful it wasn't on the highway when it happened, because you wouldn't be here posting. wish ya better luck

Waiting for the follow-up FML "Today, I was about to get in my parked car when another car crashed into it, then for good measure a wheel hit me. I was on my way to a job interview. FML"

It could have been worse -- your wheel could have figuratively flown off your car.

drenalin 7

if your car was properly maintained this wouldn't have happened. you car had no business being on the road, and the signs of failure were likely ignored until "it literally flew off"

I actually saw this happen on a car I was behind. It was surreal. The front left wheel flew off, bounced into the opposite lane and nearly take out a pedestrian.