By Anonymous - 20/12/2012 19:50 - Spain - Santa Cruz De Tenerife

Today, I was woken up by my dog scratching at my door. After a while of this, I finally got up to let her in. When I opened the door, she looked at me, threw up, and scurried away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 994
You deserved it 9 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LuckBeNimble 19

this is why I prefer cats. a cat would've let me sleep while it threw up...

perdix 29

You should have brushed your teeth before you opened the door. Your morning breath was probably an emetic.


Yep, quite a lot of fire bolts at my place. It started an hour ago, going from Greenwich time at 0:00. We are having a hell of a party.

aussieaccents 7

I would've thrown up on you too if I had to wait outside your door that long.

Nope it doesn't end until you get into the same time zone as the Mayans.... But the FML has the dog trying to warn you just like they lay down during earthquakes or storms lol

LuckBeNimble 19

this is why I prefer cats. a cat would've let me sleep while it threw up...

Not always my cat attacked my face just to vomit on my chest

Can I trade cats? My cats just throw up wherever they want (usually a really hard-for-humans-to-reach place) and sometimes I won't find it until days later. :( At least my dog tells me she's going to throw up and usually makes it outside before she does.

StalkerChick 13

My cat(she was a kitten at the time) threw up on the hardwood floor( >2 feet away from her litter box) then did the paw-swipe thing as if she was burying it.

perdix 29

I had a cat that came into my room, looked me in the eye and took a shit on the carpet. I should have entered that as an FML even though it happened years ago.

I despise cats. Not only am I allergic, but they are also lazy and boring creatures. Eat, poop, sleep, scratch my owner, repeat.

My cat never really causes problems, but everyone can find good things about their animals. No matter what animal. Opinions are the only facts on FML..

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

One time my cat looked me in the eyes while he was on my lap, and proceeded to piss in my lap without breaking eye contact. Little ******...

I prefer dogs. There are way to many fml's abouts someone getting clawed by a cat. Not that many fml's about dogs. Cats are evil little bitches!

OP should get a second dog and they can clean up after each other.

perdix 29

You should have brushed your teeth before you opened the door. Your morning breath was probably an emetic.

My cat pukes on my bed with me in it! My dogs are much more polite!

You took so long your dog ate your "gift" and was so surprised to see you that they tried to deliver it anyway.

Morning breath is a powerful deterrent.

Damn, poor dog must have seen a horrible sight.

zombieslayer83 19

hell, my dogs just eat it again.