By Alice - 01/08/2009 08:15 - United States

Today, I was wearing a skirt, and running towards a closing elevator, making it just in time. As soon as I ran in, my pad fell out of my underwear and onto the floor. There were 6 other people in the elevator. I picked it up before I realized I had nowhere to put it, so I held it. For 18 floors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 473
You deserved it 10 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... What the ****? How would that even happen? Are you just wearing really tiny underwear?

fo real, im not a girl, but I think u were doing something wrong!


You deserve it for not wearing tampons. Pads are disgusting. You're probably fat, too. You sicken me, OP.

rcloca 10

Just because she wears pads she's fat? How do we know your the one whose fat and uses pads and uses innocent people to make themselves feel bette. YOU sickening ME.

rcloca 10
cinnamondiva 0

that's so gross. but I know your pain. which is why I switched

mandi625 0

Lol that's hilarious. First, how is it possible to fall off? don't you know how to place it? -.- second, don't wear skirts while on your period? things like that could happen lol. FYL

kayPandastyle 15

Pads with pants and shorts TAMPONS if your wearing a skirt smh but I literally LOL D out loud ;)

Not everyone feels comfortable wearing tampons so it's a lot easier said than done. And sometimes pads don't stick properly so i feel really sorry for her.. And it does not mean she was wearing a thong.

lhgurlz 5

how the hell does a pad fall out?? it's sticky unless your stupid and didn't take the wrapping off.

That is why you wear tampons with a panty liner

skirts and pads? next time, maybe try a tampon.