By Alice - 01/08/2009 08:15 - United States

Today, I was wearing a skirt, and running towards a closing elevator, making it just in time. As soon as I ran in, my pad fell out of my underwear and onto the floor. There were 6 other people in the elevator. I picked it up before I realized I had nowhere to put it, so I held it. For 18 floors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 473
You deserved it 10 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... What the ****? How would that even happen? Are you just wearing really tiny underwear?

fo real, im not a girl, but I think u were doing something wrong!


how the hell does it fall out? fake story.

why didn't u get off at the next floor, go to the bathroom, fix it or get a new one then take the next elevator.

I would've left it there and said ewww omg!!! 0.0 made it look like someone else dropped it lol... But seriously... Wings next time lol

tht has happened 2 me b4!!!! totally humiliating. except i was at great america (theme park) and i had gone on a few water rides, and i was walking with my family, and i felt sumthing fall, and it was my pad!! the water had made the adhesive unsticky!! so embarassing!!

This is the dumbest load of crap fake fml ever