By Alice - 01/08/2009 08:15 - United States

Today, I was wearing a skirt, and running towards a closing elevator, making it just in time. As soon as I ran in, my pad fell out of my underwear and onto the floor. There were 6 other people in the elevator. I picked it up before I realized I had nowhere to put it, so I held it. For 18 floors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 473
You deserved it 10 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... What the ****? How would that even happen? Are you just wearing really tiny underwear?

fo real, im not a girl, but I think u were doing something wrong!


cheerrunxc14 0

I can believe this because I have seen it happen before. And that has to suck!

alybally 0

i'm sorry, but that sucks! i'd die of embarrasment.....OMG i can't even imagine

hbgoddard 0

Nowhere to put it? Just stick it back on your ******!

.......stick it back on your ******.... dumbass. Pads stick to your UNDERWEAR not your ******.

walgreens87 0

For all of the people saying use tampons, not everyone is ABLE to, usually for various reasons. They hurt the mess out of me, even the light and regular absorbency. So, yeah, back off. Also, just because she was wearing a skirt does NOT mean it's short. And a pad with a skirt isn't forbidden. It could've very easily been a liner, and those things are notorious for rolling up and shifting themselves - it's happened to me a few times. And just because she WAS wearing a skirt and pad on her period does NOT mean she deserved it, or make her a moron! Did ANYONE even consider that she might be Pentecostal? Pentecostal women ALWAYS wear skirts! It's just part of their faith! Honestly....

There is no way, NO WAY, that this is possible whatsoever, unless she didn't peel off the sticky backing thing, and I'm almost certain that someone old enough to have their period is smart enough to know that you have to peel off the sticky backing. Pads don't just fall out, even if you've been wearing them for days. This is completely fake.

Kay_Ell_Dee 0

OMG! That's just terrible! & you had to ride on a elevator with other people holding it for 18 floors. :/ Even more embarrasing.. Wingless pads are NOT the way to go.

neptuneflytrap 0

That sucks, but I seriously don't know how you didn't feel it coming off until it fell out. =/ But to all the people screaming "tampons," they are not an amazing miraculous godsend for every woman on the planet. Nor are they healthy, technically. Yes, TSS is rare, but tampons also increase your chances of vaginal infections (especially yeast - and especially if you change them too often), because they absorb the natural cleaning fluids and allow bacteria to breed. Lots of women can't wear them because they're prone to infections. So lighten up, ok?

how in the he'll did that happen?!?!?! that should go in the guiness book of records!! you had to NOT be wearing underwear NASTY