Too many cooks, etc.

By hazyshadows - 18/03/2020 17:02 - United States - Edmond

Today, I tried to make a grilled cheese sandwich for myself, but as soon as I started, my mom rushed into the kitchen and criticized me for making it "wrong". She then made the sandwich for me. It tasted significantly worse than when I make them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 757
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel your pain. My mom is the same way. Even if it's as simple as a sandwhich, she has to push me aside and add all kinds of shit to it. Apparently the notion that i felt like just having regular ham and cheese one day is too mindboggling. I appreciate what she does, but sometimes, i just wanna do things my way. Hope things get better, OP.

WistayShlaio82 13


WistayShlaio82 13

I feel your pain. My mom is the same way. Even if it's as simple as a sandwhich, she has to push me aside and add all kinds of shit to it. Apparently the notion that i felt like just having regular ham and cheese one day is too mindboggling. I appreciate what she does, but sometimes, i just wanna do things my way. Hope things get better, OP.

You are wrong. Your taste buds need to be retrained. Mom is always right.