By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 18:12 - United States

Today, I was walking with my girlfriend when a little guy walked up and flirted with her. I'm a pretty weak guy and he looked weaker, so I gave him a little push and said "Back off". He's actually not weak at all. I've got a black eye and a girlfriend who won't stop laughing to prove it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 422
You deserved it 42 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's your problem? You should be flattered that another guy wants to flirt with your girlfriend, she must be attractive. If he was touching her or something, yeah, I would've gotten angry and probably told him to back off too. But that was really uncalled for, and YDI.

wow you need to lighten up, not every guy who talks to your girlfriend wants to take her from you.


Don't worry. By the time your black eye heals, your girlfriend will be gone. YDI for starting the physical confrontation when you don't have the guns to back it up.

wow you need to lighten up, not every guy who talks to your girlfriend wants to take her from you.

What's your problem? You should be flattered that another guy wants to flirt with your girlfriend, she must be attractive. If he was touching her or something, yeah, I would've gotten angry and probably told him to back off too. But that was really uncalled for, and YDI.

I agree, sparking a conversation is no provocation to start a fight.

damn right #4 ...... way uncalled you judged a book by its cover... just because some one dosent have muscles does not mean they are weak... and if he didn't touch her you deserve more of a punch for the first shuv ... YDI

we shouldnt comment on the fact he said the other man was hitting on her seeing as he might as well of been telling her shes got a nice ass and some big **** and should ditch the loser and come with him infact he should probly dump her for laughing at him and brcause shr didnt tell the guy she already has a boyfriend

Erindub 0

I wouldn't want to be with a guy if he acted like that. FYL

Sun_Kissed18 25

Agreed. He should be lucky he still HAS a girlfriend after such a dick move like that.

CDS09 0

OP seems really anal; and as he learned, size isnt everything, there are small wrestlers/ boxers that will own lots of normal people who are much bigger than them Besides, fighting isnt about size, its about technique. Don't be an ass and pick on people you think are weaker. Fight people you have a reason to fight, no matter if they are stronger or weaker

nothing is wrong with a little harmless flirting... YDI for being too insecure....

sublime93 0

I stopped reading after "anal" ^-^

Jefe_fml 0

Hey man! This guy knows his stuff!!!!! (sarcasm) You should listen to his knowledge!! He's totally legit!!!

"Harmless"... I wouldnt want some random douche to be flirting with my girl either, right on front of me no less. Shame on all you hoes commenting things like "so what if he was flirting you should feel good about it" -__-

puplover752 2

this kinda reminds me of "king of queens" except the little guy didnt beat him up but stole his wallet instead lol

KayleeFrye 39

YDI for being a jealous bastard. There's nothing wrong with a little flirting!

axlman 0

haha thats what you get for thinking you're stronger than the other guy!! LOL

2345_fml 0

That was a funny episode. I love that show. Then the little guy started hitting on Carrie. I liked when Doug told Carrie that the midget didnt want into her pants but he wanted into his pants instead since he stole his wallet.

palmtrees 1

No, it would have meant he has some form of self-control and can handle the situation like an adult rather than a five-year-old.