
By Syrinth - 21/07/2010 16:09 - Canada

Today, I got a call from my grandmother saying she locked her keys in the car and I needed to bring her the spares. After an hour bus ride, involving me missing my stop and getting temporarily lost, I arrived and handed her the keys. I brought the wrong ones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 562
You deserved it 31 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that sounds like an absolutly wonderful day... "Today, my dumbass grandson had to bring me my spare car keys. dipshit brought the wrong ones. I guess brains don't run in my family like they use to in 1920. FML"

That's rather stupid. **** your grandma's life :(


You're so cool #1, tell me how I can be just like you.

You can start by giving out handjobs, I'll go first. jk

hey shit happens. just go back and get the other keys lol.

Blue_Coconuts 7

Yesss #26 I am, and #28 you are correct!

you dirty *****! you're standing next to a pole and you want to strip for someone!

Tomarrow, After riding you grandma like a bus for an hour the night before and taking a stop to cum on her you realized you actually remembered your spare condom. After running an hour to condom kingdom for tonight when you got in bed with her you reached into her saggy incest pussy and pulled out the spare. It wasnt yours. Or your grandpas.

ImsoMikhail 0

just be like " I tried" and leave

stewpididiot 11

18.. Justin bieber( or however the **** you spell his name) called... he wants his hair back...

quent10 0

lmfaaooo 41 I hate Justin beiber he's a turd juggler >=[

Generalx3 0

40's face makes me wanna punch him. idk why.

That's rather stupid. **** your grandma's life :(

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

that sounds like an absolutly wonderful day... "Today, my dumbass grandson had to bring me my spare car keys. dipshit brought the wrong ones. I guess brains don't run in my family like they use to in 1920. FML"

twinny_sc 13

LOL that's totally a future FML

HeyMina 0

Wow. Who doesn't have their grandmother's keys on their personal set of keys? Or is that only me? OP, major fail.

Well... you probably lost about 10 pounds for the walk.