By taptheturtle - 12/04/2009 07:00 - United States

Today, I was waiting in the lobby of a modeling agency for my interview to be a potential model and I was next in line. They called "NEXT!" and I walked in with a smile on my face. They stared at my face for a moment and then started yelling "NEXT". FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 583
You deserved it 11 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the way the business is... don't take it personally. You just don't have the right "look" for them. It's actually very common to be treated like this when you're a model.


For those of you assuming you think you know what the OP looks like just because they said they were rejected, go **** yourselves. Every modeling agency is looking for something different, whether it may be swimsuit models or fashion models. The type of modeling the OP was hoping to pursue wasn't clarified. Don't make an ass out of yourself by assuming.

Guess you just weren't what they were looking for. Try another agency?

YDI for probably being not what they were looking for

Might want to consider a different career... not everyone can be a model you know.

teh_ass 0

Meh, YDI for thinking that you were pretty enough. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there isn't enough of your eyes out in the world, so let's go BAAAAWWWW on to get pity points.

Ohh, lovely when people who think they're pretty but actually aren't get something they deserve! Nothing is more annoying than those brats >< But perhaps you are pretty, in which case it sucks but.. well that's life, at least you're still pretty XD

beckyb 0

Pretty sure it probably wasn't personal. That's kind of the way the industry works. As other people were saying, they more than likely had a specific look in mind and you did not fit into it. If modeling is something you seriously want to do, it's not going to be easy. You'll just have to get used to rejection.

OMG, you were turned down for a modeling job because of your looks!!!1!! Coz so many magazines use models that aren't good looking, but they are really nice once you get to know them.