By Anonymous - 18/12/2014 15:34 - Belgium - Antwerpen

Today, I went out to a bar with some of my friends. They're all in committed relationships, but every single one of them got hit on. I'm single, and yet again, nobody even said hi to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 420
You deserved it 3 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that happens a lot apparently. I think it has to do with the confidence level- they A) aren't looking for partner, and B) are more happy since they have one. many single people don't have the same confidence level and therefore seem less attractive to others.

Don't let it get you down. The right person is out there. Don't be afraid to make the first move either. Throw us guys a line every now and then.


incoherentrmblr 21

Story of my life too. I know the feeling all too well...

Maybe take the initiative to talk to people yourselves?

Damn, God must have a very special someone for you. Don't lose your hope

maggiefox 25

Aw :) Parth you're so sweet lol

that happens a lot apparently. I think it has to do with the confidence level- they A) aren't looking for partner, and B) are more happy since they have one. many single people don't have the same confidence level and therefore seem less attractive to others.

Also the good old "you always want what you can't have" comes into play here.

Steve97 32

Like you said most people at bars are usually only looking for one night stands so op pretty much dodged a few bullets. Don't worry you'll op once you find someone they won't let go :)

I've also heard somewhere that if you have sex regularly your hormones or pheromones are more appealing to the opposite sex. Or something like that lol.

#23 I don't think she wanted to "dodge bullets". She could've been fine with a one-night-stand (imagine that!). Besides - "The only people who never fail are those who never try". What you're suggesting is pretty much that she should be glad she didn't have the opportunity, because things could've been bad. Either that or you're telling her "You deserve it for looking for love in a bar".

maybe op was just so amazing that all the guys thought she HAD to be already in a relationship :)

anonymous100000 17

Can confirm. For some reason it's the few hours after having a little nookie with my boyfriend that men approach me more than usual.

austincain117 16

Sorry to hear that OP. Happens to everyone at sometime in their life.

It's ok. I've never even been in a relationship...

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

5--ur 18.. you have plenty of time!

Don't let it get you down. The right person is out there. Don't be afraid to make the first move either. Throw us guys a line every now and then.

What #3 said. When you go out focus on just having a really fun time with your friends and forget about looking to meet someone. You'll instantly look more confident and attractive and fun to be around. You will increase your chances of someone wanting to chat you up but also you'll have a better night

Next time try make first move, you will meet a lot of nice people.

Being in a relationship must put out a type of musk