By taptheturtle - 12/04/2009 07:00 - United States

Today, I was waiting in the lobby of a modeling agency for my interview to be a potential model and I was next in line. They called "NEXT!" and I walked in with a smile on my face. They stared at my face for a moment and then started yelling "NEXT". FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 583
You deserved it 11 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the way the business is... don't take it personally. You just don't have the right "look" for them. It's actually very common to be treated like this when you're a model.


jazmino 1

That's extra funny .. Ha John I'm sorry

73- she is smiling but her "yellow stones" are not showing. All you know she could have great teeth. Good job twit. Lol

You dodged a serious bullet. All the fashion world will do is criticize you.

You might not have been right for the agency, it doesn't mean you don't look nice. Besides, right now the "look" right now is death, seriously.

Well in that industry you have to be prepared to be judged soon your looks. People aren't going to buy products off you if you are average looking because of you personality

PunkPrincess_fml 11

Even accomplished models are not right for some companies/projects/shows/etc. Just the way she goes.

It does not mean you aren't beautiful! You got invited to an interview which means they do think you have potential, but maybe they were looking for a specific look or maybe (as stupid as it sounds) you are too "plain" beautiful. If you look at pictures of successful models you will realise most have a very unique and uncommon face shape or something else which makes them stand out. Don't let this experience keep you from following your dream, there might be an agency out there who is looking for someone like you. Keep your hopes up and I wish you the best of luck for the future!

That's the way it works. obviously you don't have the look. deal with it.

not everyone is model material. maybe you need to face that.