Odd one out

By Anonymous - 08/01/2021 11:01

Today, I went to the mall with two friends. A modelling scout approached us and asked both of my friends if they were interested in modelling. When the scout finally noticed me, she asked if I was their mom. We're all the same age. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 058
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always model for AARP, adult diapers, and that jellyfish stuff that's supposed to help old people from losing their memory. What's it called again?

Vesi 29

This is exactly how human trafficking is used. PLEASE PLEASE I beg of you, make your friends do a LOT of research to make sure the agency is legit! Further, make sure family members all know as well!


You could always model for AARP, adult diapers, and that jellyfish stuff that's supposed to help old people from losing their memory. What's it called again?

jfigley 5

Sounds like you either have a very mature look about your complexion or you dont take care of yourself and you look old. Which one is it?

Vesi 29

This is exactly how human trafficking is used. PLEASE PLEASE I beg of you, make your friends do a LOT of research to make sure the agency is legit! Further, make sure family members all know as well!

Yes, that sucks, but I'd be grateful if I was you because that's how people get trafficked.