By taptheturtle - 12/04/2009 07:00 - United States

Today, I was waiting in the lobby of a modeling agency for my interview to be a potential model and I was next in line. They called "NEXT!" and I walked in with a smile on my face. They stared at my face for a moment and then started yelling "NEXT". FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 583
You deserved it 11 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the way the business is... don't take it personally. You just don't have the right "look" for them. It's actually very common to be treated like this when you're a model.



YDI for having acne due to being overweight.

FreedomFirst 0

Welcome to the world of modeling. It's a cutthroat business and NO ONE gives a crap about anyone else. If they tell you they do, they're probably trying to get in your pants. I looked into having my youngest become an infant model, because he was such a gorgeous baby and we needed money badly. But after reading stuff online from parents of infant/child models, and seeing all they had to go through, I changed my mind. It would have completely taken over our whole life and left my older son in the dust. The traveling, the long schedule, the rushing and yelling and people treating your kids like objects - no thankyou.

Dude if you were trying to get into modeling you should've KNOWN they're harsh like that, a LOT. They don't give a rat's ass about your self esteem or emotions. If you're serious about modeling, get used to it.

Normally I feel bad for people who get judged based on their appearance without having done anything. You on the other hand pursued a job in the most shallow industry available. If you can't take being judged... don't become a model. I was scouted by Elite when I was 16 I did it for about 2 years and then got the hell out because although it made me feel really good about my appearance it made me realize how little that really matters. Unless you have nothing else to offer the world other then your looks, you derseved it. Oh wait, even if that's all you have to offer.

dance143 0

look at america's next top model... most of those girls are very unfortunate looking but they are still models I'm sure it's not because you are unattractive in anyway

snowboard729 0

okay you're clearly ugly... i hate when ugly people think that they're not. get a clue.

Kevlar_fml 0

You weren't supposed to smile. Modelling is serious business! :P

You didn't fit what they wanted. Woe is you. In case you're thick, there is extensive sarcasm above.

That's what happens, I'm afraid :( It also depends what look is "in" so it's nothing personal. Think yourself lucky they only yelled "NEXT" - I've seen some pretty bad critiques thrown at fellow models who are nothing short of beautiful. Just keep trying - maybe that agency wasn't for you? :)

0hh_snap 0

It's a bitchy business but still fun.