By amyhyett - 28/01/2015 23:18 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I walked into a door on my way in to an interview, in front of the interviewer and a group of people waiting to be interviewed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 631
You deserved it 3 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thors_Hammer9999 17

well hopefully the interviewer is an understanding person


Push it, Push it real good... Oh baby baby...

My mom used to listen to that song working out a lot. When I was younger I'd always asked; why she was listening to a sing about having a poop.

kirbs19 37

You must have been an adorable and insightful child

Thors_Hammer9999 17

well hopefully the interviewer is an understanding person

then000bster 16

She was originally aiming for a head start, but the door had already closed.

Tell them you were just checking out the floor

must have been nerves, that or the rum ;-)

Or they're insinuating OP had a drink to calm the nerves before the interview, but it made them a little too buzzed and they walked into the door. Made sense to me...

Hope the job isn't sight related. Good luck.

You sure made an entrance they'll never forgot :-)

Could say you made them remember your first impression